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Lesson 16 - Advanced Text Features

In the previous lesson, we introduced the principles of SDF-based text rendering, experimented with ESDT and MSDF to improve rendering quality, and mentioned the advanced text rendering features that CanvasKit provides compared to Canvas.

In this lesson, we'll first look at rendering methods beyond SDF, then discuss and try to implement features like: decorative lines, shadows, text following paths. Finally, text should not only be renderable but also have good interaction - we'll discuss topics like input boxes, text selection, and A11y.

Let's first look at what text rendering methods are available besides SDF.

Rendering Text with Bezier Curves

Using Figma's SVG export feature, you can see that its text is also rendered using Paths. If we don't consider rendering performance and CJK characters, using Bezier curves to render text is indeed a good choice. To obtain vector information for characters in a browser environment, we can use:

Below we'll show examples of rendering text using opentype.js and harfbuzzjs, both of which support the ttf font format.


opentype.js provides the getPath method, which completes Shaping and obtains SVG path-commands given text content, position, and font size.

opentype.load('fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf', function (err, font) {
    const path = font.getPath('Hello, World!', 0, 0, 32); // x, y, fontSize
    // convert to svg path definition


First initialize harfbuzzjs WASM using Vite's ?init syntax. Then load the font file and create a font object.

import init from 'harfbuzzjs/hb.wasm?init';
import hbjs from 'harfbuzzjs/hbjs.js';

const instance = await init();
hb = hbjs(instance);

const data = await (
    await window.fetch('/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf')
blob = hb.createBlob(data);
face = hb.createFace(blob, 0);
font = hb.createFont(face);
font.setScale(32, 32); // Set font size

Then create a buffer object and add text content. As mentioned before, harfbuzz doesn't handle BiDi, so we need to manually set the text direction. Finally, call hb.shape method to perform Shaping calculation.

buffer = hb.createBuffer();
buffer.addText('Hello, world!');
// TODO: use BiDi
// buffer.setDirection(segment.direction);

hb.shape(font, buffer);
const result = buffer.json(font);

Now we have the glyph data, and we can use Path to draw it

result.forEach(function (x) {
    const d = font.glyphToPath(x.g);
    const path = new Path({
        fill: '#F67676',

TeX math rendering

We can use MathJax to render TeX mathematical formulas, convert them to SVG, and then render them using Path. Here we follow the approach from LaTeX in motion-canvas to get SVGElement:

const JaxDocument = mathjax.document('', {
    InputJax: new TeX({ packages: AllPackages }),
    OutputJax: new SVG({ fontCache: 'local' }),

const svg = Adaptor.innerHTML(JaxDocument.convert(formula));
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(svg, 'image/svg+xml');
const $svg = doc.documentElement;

Then use the method introduced in Lesson 10 - From SVGElement to Serialized Node to convert SVGElement to graphics and add them to the canvas.

const root = await deserializeNode(fromSVGElement($svg));

Text Decoration



Pixi.js provides DropShadowFilter, but we can implement it directly in SDF without using post-processing. Use shadowOffset and shadowBlurRadius to control the offset and blurring of the SDF texture.

// @see
vec3 shadowSample = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord - shadowOffset).rgb;
float shadowDist = median(shadowSample.r, shadowSample.g, shadowSample.b);
float distAlpha = smoothstep(0.5 - shadowSmoothing, 0.5 + shadowSmoothing, shadowDist);
vec4 shadow = vec4(shadowColor, shadowAlpha * distAlpha);
gl_FragColor = mix(shadow, text, text.a);

Text Along Path

In the Figma community, many users are looking forward to this feature, for example: Make text follow a path or a circle

In SVG, this can be achieved through textPath, see: Curved Text Along a Path

<text width="500">
    <textPath xlink:href="#curve"> Dangerous Curves Ahead </textPath>

Skia provides the MakeOnPath method, see Draw text along a path:

const textblob = CanvasKit.TextBlob.MakeOnPath(text, skPath, skFont);
canvas.drawTextBlob(textblob, 0, 0, textPaint);

In Mapbox, placing labels along roads and rivers is a common scenario, see Map Label Placement in Mapbox GL

Map Label Placement in Mapbox GL

Kittl provides a Easily Type Text On Any Path tool.

More Friendly Interaction

Text Input

Currently, we've only implemented text rendering, but in actual applications, text input boxes are essential. The image below is from Figma

textarea in figma

Text Selection

Special Effects

Loading Web Fonts

For solutions using Canvas2D API to generate SDF, just use webfontloader to load fonts first, then specify the font using fontFamily.

import WebFont from 'webfontloader';
    google: {
        families: ['Gaegu'], // specify font
    active: () => {
        const text = new Text({
            x: 150,
            y: 150,
            content: 'Hello, world',
            fontFamily: 'Gaegu', // specify font
            fontSize: 55,
            fill: '#F67676',

Material Design on the GPU

Material Design on the GPU introduce a material effect based on SDF text, using normal maps and lighting to simulate ink spreading on paper. We don't need to consider lighting, just use simplex noise to implement it, and add multiple absorption effects:

import { simplex_2d } from './simplex-2d';
import { aastep } from './aastep';
export const absorb = /* wgsl */ `
  float absorb(float sdf, vec2 uv, float scale, float falloff) {
    float distort = sdf + snoise(uv * scale) * falloff;
    return aastep(0.5, distort);

Extended Reading

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